%0 Journal Article %T AB067. P-38. Microbial analysis of gallstones and gallbladder tissue by MALDI-TOF in patients with symptomatic gallstones %A Kalsi, Dimple %A Dutta, Usha %A Popli, Priyanka %A Ray, Pallab %A Kaman, Lileswar %A Dahiya, Divya %A Behera, Arunanshu %A Sharma, Pankaj %A Mandavdhare, Harshal %A Sharma, Vishal %J Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition %D 2019 %B 2019 %9 %! AB067. P-38. Microbial analysis of gallstones and gallbladder tissue by MALDI-TOF in patients with symptomatic gallstones %K %X %U https://hbsn.amegroups.org/article/view/24351 %P AB067 %@ 2304-389X