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A promising ex vivo liver protection strategy: machine perfusion and repair

	author = {Junjun Jia and Jianhui Li and Shiyu Zhang and Haiyang Xie and Lin Zhou and Shusen Zheng},
	title = {A promising ex vivo liver protection strategy: machine perfusion and repair},
	journal = {Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition},
	volume = {8},
	number = {2},
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Liver transplantation is a lifesaving procedure for patients with end-stage liver diseases. With the development of surgical technique, imaging, and immunosuppressant agents, postoperative survival rate has increased steadily. However, organ shortage is still a major concern. To solve the organ shortage crisis, extended criteria donors are used which include aged donors, fatty donors, and cardiac death donors; these donors need more protection.},
	issn = {2304-389X},	url = {}