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Laparoscopic liver resection: basic skills for peripheral lesions

	author = {Michael D. Kluger},
	title = {Laparoscopic liver resection: basic skills for peripheral lesions},
	journal = {Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition},
	volume = {3},
	number = {1},
	year = {2014},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {An evaluation of the literature demonstrates atypical wedge or single segment resections to be the most commonly performed laparoscopic liver procedures. Lesions that are both visible on the surface of segments 2-6 and ≤2-3 cm can be resected by most surgeons holding a fundamental understanding of liver anatomy. These criteria are based on the anatomical circumstance that sectoral and segmental pedicles should not course through depths necessary to obtain negative margins for these sized and positioned lesions. Videos of laparoscopic liver resections referenced in PubMed demonstrate complex procedures that are rarely performed and assume a skill set for laparoscopic dissection and transection of parenchyma and management of vascular and biliary structures. Herein is demonstrated basic skill for peripheral resections via two cases in one video, so that these procedures can be safely performed by surgeons with commonly available laparoscopic equipment.},
	issn = {2304-389X},	url = {}