%0 Journal Article %T Spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage following cholecystectomy %A Dahan, Meryl %A Lim, Chetana %A Salloum, Chady %A Azoulay, Daniel %J Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition %D 2016 %B 2016 %9 %! Spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage following cholecystectomy %K %X Postoperative bilateral adrenal hemorrhage is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication. This diagnosis is often missed because the symptoms and laboratory results are usually nonspecific. We report a case of bilateral adrenal hemorrhage associated with acute primary adrenal insufficiency following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The knowledge of this uncommon complication following any abdominal surgery allows timey diagnosis and rapid treatment. %U https://hbsn.amegroups.org/article/view/8786 %V 5 %N 3 %P 263-264 %@ 2304-389X