Prof. Guido Torzilli: Scaffold Sparing Surgery: A Bridge to Liver Tumor Treatment

Posted On 2023-11-10 21:30:55

Guido Torzilli1,2, Qinghe zheng3

1Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy; 2Division of Hepatobiliary and General Surgery, Department of Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy; 3HBSN Editorial Office, AME Publishing Company

Editor’s Note

The 9th Joint Conference of the University of Chicago and PUMCH Liver Surgery was successfully held at Beijing, China from Sept 8 to 9, 2023. This year’s conference focused on the significant advances for the treatment of hepatobiliary pancreatic diseases that occurred despite the limitations brought on by COVID. Taking this opportunity, we conducted an interview with Prof. Guido Torzilli from Italy (Video 1).

Video 1 Prof. Guido Torzilli: Scaffold Sparing Surgery: A Bridge to Liver Tumor Treatment (1).

Prof. Guido (Figure 1) is a renowned expert in hepatobiliary surgery who is innovative in his surgical approach and meticulous in his operations. However, during the interview, Prof. Guido appeared more approachable. I benefited from his eloquent discussion on the advantages of scaffold sparing surgery as well as his sharing of secrets for maintaining efficient research output. As he responded to the last question, passion and conviction emanated from him, leaving a lasting impression of his research prowess. This not only serves as a golden rule imparted by an expert to their juniors but also reflects the professor's strict discipline.

Figure 1 Prof. Guido Torzilli

Interview questions:

1. Can you introduce us your latest findings about the scaffold sparing surgery?
2. What originally leads you to the study of scaffold sparing surgery for liver tumors?
3. You pioneered and validated new ultrasound-guided procedures. Can you tell us some advantages of this technology?
4. What challenges do you think liver tumor surgery will encounter during the COVID era?
5. What do you think is the key to maintain efficient scientific outputs?

Expert’s introduction

Dr. Guido Torzilli is full Professor of Surgery at the Department of Biomedical Science of the Humanitas University, and Director of the Department of Surgery and of the Division of Hepatobiliary Surgery at the Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan, Italy. He graduated in Medicine cum laude and was trained and board certificated cum laude in General Surgery at the University of Milan (Italy). He has granted of the Japanese Fellowship for Promotion of Cancer Research carrying out his research at the University of Tokyo. At the University of Tokyo, Doctor Torzilli has also obtained the PhD degree in Hepatobiliary surgery, and finally has served as Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Department of Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery and Transplantation. Doctor Torzilli has carried out several successful clinical studies focused on hepatobiliary diagnostic imaging, interventional oncology, and surgery. As one of the leading surgeons in the use of intraoperative ultrasound, Dr. Torzilli has pioneered new intraoperative imaging modalities (i.e. contrast enhanced intraoperative ultrasound), and original surgical interventions (Hooking technique, Anatomical segmentectomy & sectionectomy by IOUSguided compression, Systematic Extended Right Posterior Sectionectomy, Minimesohepatectomy, Liver Tunnel, Transversal Hepatectomies ecc…) in hepatobiliary surgery. Given all these original technical insights, of note is his contribution in the surgical management of the primary and metastatic tumors of the liver. In particular, it is worth to be mentioned the concept of R1vascular surgery, a cutting-edge concept in hepatobiliary surgical oncology opening to the parenchyma sparing major resection.