In 2024, HBSN reviewers continue to make outstanding contributions to the peer review process. They demonstrated professional effort and enthusiasm in their reviews and provided comments that genuinely help the authors to enhance their work.
Hereby, we would like to highlight some of our outstanding reviewers, with a brief interview of their thoughts and insights as a reviewer. Allow us to express our heartfelt gratitude for their tremendous effort and valuable contributions to the scientific process.
January, 2024
Victor Lopez-Lopez, University of Murcia, Spain
March, 2024
Amedeo Lonardo, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena, Italy
April, 2024
Benedetto Ielpo, Hospital del Mar, Spain
May, 2024
Andrew A. Gumbs, Grigol Robakidze University, USA
June, 2024
Ahmet Gurakar, Johns Hopkins University, USA
July, 2024
Chok Siu Ho Kenneth, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
August, 2024
Nobuyuki Takemura, Saitama University, Japan
September, 2024
Hop S Tran Cao, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Stylianos Tzedakis, Cochin University Hospital, France
October, 2024
Akira Umemura, Iwate Medical University, Japan
November, 2024
Vishal G. Shelat, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Eric C. H. Lai, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong, China
December, 2024
Takumi Kawaguchi, Kurume University School of Medicine, Japan
January, 2024
Victor Lopez-Lopez

Victor Lopez-Lopez serves as an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Murcia, Spain. He attends the HPB Surgery and Liver Transplant program in Clinic and University Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital in Murcia, Spain. His research interests focus on minimally invasive surgery, translational research, surgical oncology, liver regeneration, extreme liver surgery, bile duct injury, liver transplantation and global surgery. He performed visiting fellowships at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, University Hospital in Zurich, New Tokyo and Ageo Central General Hospitals in Japan and Vall d´hebron Hospital in Barcelona. In 2017, he received the Health Sciences extraordinary prize for his PhD at the University of Murcia. In 2019, he completed a master in "clinical research in donation and transplant specialty" at University of Barcelona, Spain.
In Dr. Lopez-Lopez’s opinion, the review process is essential to improve the quality of manuscripts submitted to any journal. The critical analysis of the methodology and results of any research ensures the information to be more precise to readers, making it easier for them to implement those findings in their daily practice. In addition, it can help authors to improve their manuscript on what they had not considered during their study plan.
Regarding the major limitation in the existing review system, Dr. Lopez-Lopez points out that it is related to the lack of time due to the pressure of care, which means that this activity has to be performed during non-working time. Another problem is associated with the lack of recognition of reviewers. This activity is performed by professionals because of their involvement with academic surgery. Initiatives such as the one proposed by HBSN serve as recognition to value the work of the reviewer.
Speaking of the reason that Dr. Lopez-Lopez chooses to review for HBSN, he indicates that HBSN has managed to consolidate itself over the last decade as a journal with great impact on the hepatobiliary, pancreatic and liver transplant surgery community by focusing on innovative projects, well-designed studies, exhaustive reviews of relevant topics and expert opinions that are very useful for improving the scientific evidence of the daily clinical practice.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
March, 2024
Amedeo Lonardo

Amedeo Lonardo, MD, graduated in Medicine, is a specialist in Gastroenterology, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine. Qualified at the Italian National Examination for Full Professor in Gastroenterology and Associate Professor in Internal Medicine (2017), now he works affiliated with Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena (-2023) Modena, Italy. His research interests include NAFLD/MAFLD/MASLD. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage and Metabolites. As of 8th of April 2024, he has 300 editor records (Clarivate), 1,114 peer-review records of 807 manuscripts (Clarivate), as the Top reviewers of Biology and Biochemistry; Cross-Field; Clinical Medicine; Pharmacology and Toxicology (2019); Multidisciplinary; Biology and Biochemistry; and Clinical Medicine (2018). Dr. Lonardo has 283 publications with 12,754 citations (Clarivate), 21,135 citations (Google Scholar), becoming Highly Cited Researcher in 2022, and 2023. His H Index reaches 64 in Scopus and 74 in Google Scholar. Learn more about him here.
HBSN: What role does peer review play in science?
Dr. Lonardo: Reviewers’ comments provide a strong basis for making decisions on whether a manuscript should be accepted for publication or rejected. Behind a successfully published manuscript, there is invariably the hidden contribution of reviewers. These experts often contribute to a substantial extent in improving the first submission by increasing conciseness and consistency, while suggesting the most appropriate and updated references.
In the era of open access publication, the hidden workload voluntarily offered by reviewers is the true driving force behind the publication industry, which, in its turn, begets affluence, and contributes to the edification of researchers’ scientific reputation and academic careers. Having a good team of reviewers at its disposal makes a scientific journal’s fortune.
It is somewhat paradoxical that the whole pyramid of scientific publishing is based on the voluntary contribution of reviewers, without whose support the whole building would collapse. I recently handled a submission for which 20 reviewers had been invited but none had accepted. Although this may be a sign that the topic of that particular manuscript was of limited interest, it is also true that the publication industry should become more open to acknowledging the needs and rewards to be delivered in order to motivate reviewers.
HBSN: What do reviewers have to bear in mind while reviewing papers?
Dr. Lonardo: Probably the most fundamental aspects to be considered include the rationale behind the study, and the biological credibility of findings. It is not uncommon to read authors stating that they conducted a given study “because this had never been done before” without highlighting the logic behind their study, which does not necessarily conflict with the element of innovation.
Clearly, the devil is in the details, and it is incredible how many papers fail to describe precisely what the investigators expected to find and why (based on current views) when the study was initiated. Not to mention the innumerable manuscripts which fail to precisely define the medical condition which is being investigated. Careful reviewers will invariably suggest, in a gentle manner, how these weaker points may be improved.
When I first became interest in medical research some decades ago, it was not uncommon for young investigators to read harsh if not frankly offensive comments from reviewers’. This is exactly what we want to avoid, and reviewers must always handle authors in a constructive manner, by illustrating how to improve a manuscript rather than severely underlining its points of weakness.
HBSN: Peer reviewing is often anonymous and non-profitable, what motivates you to do so?
Dr. Lonardo: Compared to other careers, scientific investigators tend to have lower salaries. However, they are often motivated by non-profit incentives, such as their love for biomedical science, or their desire to help sick people and promote general health and progress in Medicine.
While these same motivations may also apply to reviewers, these are also specifically motivated by their interest and passion for the progress of the field they are involved in and by acknowledgements that their own studies may occasionally receive. As one gets older, it becomes surprising to note that researchers know everything regarding the latest developments, while seemingly neglecting the history of the topic they investigate. In this context, learning to cite “quotation classics” may represent a useful lesson for some young investigators.
On the other hand, for expert reviewers, reading submitted manuscripts offers a unique opportunity to remain updated regarding the latest trends and achievements in one’s own research field.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
April, 2024
Benedetto Ielpo

Benedetto Ielpo is an Italian surgeon currently working in Spain in the HPB unit of the Hospital del Mar of Barcelona as Head of General Surgery unit. His main interest is in minimally invasive surgery, both laparoscopic and robotic. Certified with the European Board of HPB surgery and Surgical Oncology, he works also as Associate Professor of the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. He is currently the elected secretary of the Spanish Chapter of the American College of Surgeon and President and Founder of the ACIE (Association dei Chirurghi Italiani in Europa - Association of the Italian surgeon in Europe). Connect with him on LinkedIn and learn more about him here.
According to Dr. Ielpo, peer review plays a crucial role in the scientific process, ensuring the integrity, quality, and credibility of scientific research. It is important that this evaluation is well done to ensure that studies are well-conducted and conclusions are supported by the data. For reviewers, the process provides an opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest research and to contribute to their field. It also helps them develop critical thinking and analytical skills.
Dr. Ielpo reckons that an objective review is one that evaluates a piece of work based solely on its merits, free from personal biases, conflicts of interest, or external influences. Reviewers can provide fair, unbiased, and constructive feedback that upholds the integrity of the scientific review process.
In Dr. Ielpo’s opinion, balancing the responsibilities of being a surgeon with the demands of peer review can indeed be challenging. He suggests breaking down the review process into smaller tasks (e.g., reading the abstract and introduction, reviewing methods, analysing results) and spread these tasks over several days. He adds, “In case you are not available for peer review, it is important to let the editors know it as soon as possible.”
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
May, 2024
Andrew A. Gumbs

Prof. Andrew Gumbs graduated from Yale University and the Yale School of Medicine. He completed his Categorical General Surgery Residency at Yale-New-Haven Hospital. He completed a fellowship in Pancreatic Surgery at the University of Verona, a Minimal Invasive Fellowship at the University Hospitals of Cornell and Columbia Universities in New York City and a Minimally Invasive Hepatic-Pancreatic and Biliary Surgery Fellowship at the Institu Mutualiste Montsouris in Paris, France. He is board-certified in the USA, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. Prof. Gumbs has been most recently working as the Chief Surgical Officer of the American Hospital Tbilisi where he is the Director of the Advanced and Minimally Invasive Surgery Excellence Center. He is also currently a Full Professor of Surgery at the Grigol Robakidze University in Tbilisi, Georgia and an Honorary Professor of Surgery of Magdeburg University in Germany where he does his research in Artificial Intelligence in Surgery. He launched the journal Artificial Intelligence Surgery in 2021 and has been the Editor-in Chief since inception. Connect with him on LinkedIn.
In Prof. Gumbs’s opinion, there are currently no ways to confirm if a reviewer actually even reads the article that they are reviewing. Some studies have shown that many published articles were never even read by the reviewers or editors. Software can be used to prevent this from happening. Many programs also exist to automatically detect plagiarism and auto-plagiarism. Natural language processing could also be used to help detect deliberate errors implanted into submitted manuscripts. Another problem with the process is that some editorial boards are controlled by many of the same people. This can create a bias against authors who are not properly connected to these board members. He believes the increase in journals can help mitigate these influences. Lastly, he indicates that Open Access is a fantastic way to get clinicians and researchers the information that they need to best treat their patients.
“Reviewers need to understand how fundamentally important they are in the final decision of manuscripts, and as a result, the dissemination of information,” says Prof. Gumbs. He thinks that in many ways, they are the last line of defence from publishing a paper that can lead to immeasurable harm to future patients. We have all heard of seminal articles that were published in major journals, only to be retracted years later. If someone is not aware of this, he highly recommends watching “Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife” on Netflix at the same time.
Prof. Gumbs indicates that the institutional review board (IRB) was created in the aftermath of the second World War and more specifically the Nuremberg Trials. Prior to Nuremberg Code in 1945 and later the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964, many doctors abused their power and experimented on humans without their consent. Apparently, the Nazi “doctors” performed the first kidney transplants on twins in concentration camps. Despite the potential for data from these experiments to advance research in the field of transplantation, it was decided that data from these atrocities should never again be used. In essence, the need for IRB approval is to remind us of the evil that can be done in the name of so-called “research” and the imperative that we never again repeat the mistakes of the past. If the IRB process were removed, we would be effectively replicating the mistakes of the Nazi “doctors”, but also the crimes of the 30-year Tuskegee Syphilis Study where 300 black men were unknowingly infected, untreated and followed for decades to document their progression from primary all the way to tertiary syphilis and death. In short, avoiding IRB approval when indicated, in his view, is to potentially commit a crime against humanity.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
June, 2024
Ahmet Gurakar

Dr. Ahmet Gurakar is the Medical Director of Liver Transplantation, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He is also Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. His research area covers on indications for liver transplantation for Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis, changing land- scape for Alcoholic Liver Disease and Liver Transplantation.
In Dr. Gurakar’s opinion, peer review is vital to be able to achieve global scandalization and scientific roots for the propagation of science, medical knowledge and experience. “The reviewers’ hard work will ensure only the best productions to come to the surface for everybody’s benefit, in the world of medical sciences,” says he.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
July, 2024
Chok Siu Ho Kenneth

Dr. Chok Siu Ho Kenneth was the Clinical Associate Professor in 2015 in the University of Hong Kong and received his Master of Surgery in the same year and became a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) after having received the Carlos Pellegrini Traveling Fellowship award of the ACS. He received another doctoral degree (Doctor of Medicine) in 2020. He joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2024, the Department of Surgery as a Full Professor. He has published more than 300 articles in leading peer-reviewed journals. His H-index was 51 (Google Scholar) with citations of more than 8800. He is actively involved in promoting public health in Hong Kong and has organized various initiatives, as he is the vice-president of the Hong Kong Society of HPB Surgery, a council member of the Hong Kong Society of Transplantation, the Hong Kong Liver Foundation and the Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology.
HBSN: Why do we need peer review? What is so important about it?
Dr. Kenneth: This is a crucial process in the renowned medical journals for several reasons: 1) Ensuring quality and accuracy: experts in the field can critically review the scientific content of the paper, methodology, accuracy of the data analysis and appropriateness of the conclusion. 2) Flaw and biases identification and rectification: experts in the field can identify the flaws in the design, data collection/ analysis and interpretation. Also, potential biases could be pointed out so that the paper can be rectified timely. 3) Maintaining scientific integrity: experts in the field can maintain the integrity of the scientific literatures by preventing fake/ unreliable researches. This is to uphold the highest standard from the medical community, and most importantly from the public.
HBSN: Biases are inevitable in peer review. How do you minimize any potential biases during review?
Dr. Kenneth: Yes, this is inevitable, but measures can be taken to minimize these: 1) Blinding of the reviewers: review can be single-blind or double-blind so that authors’ identity cannot be known to the reviewers. 2) Reviewer selection: Ensure the pool of the reviewers is large enough and more diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnic, etc., and have to disclose one’s conflict of interest. 3) Review process could be more structural: by using a standard form for reviewers to fill in, this could decrease the chance of biases. Multiple reviewers from different centers should be included in the review process. 4) Lastly, editorial supervision is of utmost importance as this is the last gatekeeper to maintain the standard of the reviewers’ quality.
HBSN: The burden of being a scientist/doctor is heavy. How do you allocate time to do peer review?
Dr. Kenneth: I have to screen those only in my field of expertise, and with reasonable strong scientific background journals to act as their reviewers. Certainly, I cannot serve too many journals at the same time. Most of the time, I will use my spare time to finish my task after the heavy clinical workload. I will also spend more time if I am in the editorial board of that particular journal.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
August, 2024
Nobuyuki Takemura

Dr. Nobuyuki Takemura is a distinguished HBP (Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic) surgeon and Professor at the Department of HBP Surgery and Pediatric Surgery at Saitama Medical Center, Saitama University, Japan. After graduating in 1999 from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, he has honed his expertise under the mentorship of renowned Japanese HBP surgeons, including Prof. Masatoshi Makuuchi, Prof. Norihiro Kunido, and Prof. Kiyoshi Hasegawa at the University of Tokyo, as well as Prof. Akio Saiura at the Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital. His surgical proficiency spans a wide range of procedures for HBP malignancies, from open to laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery. His research interests cover hepatocellular carcinoma, metastatic liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, portal hypertension, liver transplantation, and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Dr. Takemura also contributes to the Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Liver Cancer as a role of the revision committee member, further solidifying his influence in the field.
Dr. Takemura reckons that without peer review, journals could become repositories for a wide range of articles, regardless of their quality. Peer review is crucial because it prevents low-quality or misinterpreted research from being publicly disseminated, ensuring the overall quality of the published work. This process also enhances the relative value of well-conducted research by distinguishing it from less rigorous studies.
In Dr. Takemura’s opinion, reviewers need to objectively evaluate the research to determine if the analysis is valid, the interpretation of the results is sound, the conclusions are reasonable, and if the arguments are coherent without any logical gaps. Additionally, he indicates that reviewers must assess whether the quality of the article is appropriate for the journal to which it has been submitted.
“Although peer review can be a time-consuming task for busy researchers, it also offers the opportunity to gain new insights and perspectives on your own work. Furthermore, performing thorough and proper peer reviews increases the value and impact of the research that is conducted correctly,” says Dr. Takemura.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
September, 2024
Hop S Tran Cao

Dr. Hop S Tran Cao is a surgical oncologist specializing in the treatment of hepatobiliary-pancreatic tumors, with expertise in robotic surgery. He is associate professor of surgery and vice-chair of clinical operations in the department of Surgical Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, USA. His research focuses on quality of cancer care, and on the precision with which it is delivered. He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, editorials, and book chapters examining treatment outcomes for HPB cancers, minimally HPB surgery, and the use of fluorescence-guided surgery in oncology. He conducts clinical trials on the perioperative management of hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma.
Dr. Tran Cao believes that a healthy peer-review system is one that embraces transparency and fairness. Reviewers should have expertise in the topic they are asked to review and be held to a standard/etiquette of professionalism where their critique should be objective and grounded on the available information. He favors blinding reviewers to the identity of the authors and institution to minimize bias; he also is in support of reviewers being able to disclose their identity.
“An objective review is one that is guided by the idea that your job, as a reviewer, is to provide constructive criticism to help the authors improve on their product,” says Dr. Tran Cao, who thinks reviewers often take the review process as an opportunity to promote themselves or their work. At other times, reviewers can be demeaning and make the review too personal, going after the authors rather than the work itself – this is neither appropriate nor appreciated. That is not to say that reviewer cannot reject a paper outright. After all, some submissions simply do not meet publishing criteria based on lack of novelty, poor study design or interpretation of the findings, for example, and no amount of revisions can change those elements. As a reviewer, he firmly believes it is his job to help – rather than hurt – the authors by pointing out the deficits or deficiencies in their work in an objective and professional manner, with the goal that this serves to help the authors address those deficiencies and improve their final product, and hopefully advance reviewers’ knowledge or understanding of the issue at hand.
According to Dr. Tran Cao, research integrity is critical to the academic pursuit and the advancement of science, and any effort to increase transparency is to be embraced. Thus, making available research data in a clean and transparent manner is indeed a practice that should be ubiquitous in scientific publishing.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
Stylianos Tzedakis

Stylianos Tzedakis is a surgeon of Greek origin, currently working in the department of hepatobiliary, digestive and endocrine surgery of the Cochin University Hospital in Paris and an assistant professor in the University Paris Cité. His main fields of activity are minimally invasive (laparoscopic and robotic) and open liver and biliary tract surgery. His research interests include analysis of Big Data and Machine Learning techniques in the field of hepatobiliary surgery and the management of primary and secondary liver tumors. In parallel, he is part of the educational committee of the Grand Paris Surgical Campus, where his activity is centered on the training and evaluation of surgical skills using video and new digital solutions. He is an elected administrative member of the French Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Association and member-at-large of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA). Connect with him on LinkedIn.
HBSN: What are the qualities a reviewer should possess?
Dr. Tzedakis: A reviewer plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and quality of scholarly publications. Key qualities required when choosing to review are:
- Subject-related expertise: assuring a deep understanding of the subject matter and related disciplines is essential to provide insightful and constructive feedback.
- Expertise in methodology: evaluating the manuscript for accuracy and clear methodology permitting to respond to the question raised by the study is crucial
- Objectivity: assessing manuscripts impartially, free from personal bias or prejudice is fundamental to prevent creating bias against authors and to provide constructive feedback in a professional and supportive manner helping authors to improve their work.
- Commitment to Ethics: upholding confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and adhering to ethical standards ensures the review process remains trustworthy and transparent.
HBSN: Why do you choose to review for HBSN?
Dr. Tzedakis: I choose to review for HBSN because of its dedication to advancing knowledge in hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation. The journal's commitment to high-quality research, multidisciplinary collaboration, and innovation aligns with my professional interests and values and allows me to contribute to the field by promoting rigorous scientific discourse for the benefit of the global scientific community.
HBSN: Is it important for authors to disclose Conflict of Interest (COI)?
Dr. Tzedakis: It is critically important for authors to disclose COI since transparency fosters trust, ensures credibility, and enables readers and reviewers to assess the objectivity of the research. Indeed, COI can influence research in several ways: Financial or personal interests may inadvertently bias how a study is conducted, may lead to selective reporting or interpretation of results to favor specific outcomes and can damage the integrity of the research if uncovered. While the presence of a COI does not necessarily invalidate research, full disclosure allows peers and readers to critically evaluate the findings within the proper context. Rigorous peer review and adherence to ethical guidelines further mitigate potential impacts of COI on research outcomes.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
October, 2024
Akira Umemura

Dr. Akira Umemura graduated from Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine in 2005, and achieved his internship and residency at the Department of Surgery at Iwate Prefectural Isawa Hospital in 2009. Then, he moved to the Department of Surgery at Iwate Medical University School of Medicine for the purpose of learning various minimally invasive surgery, surgical strategies for hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancers, liver transplantation, and metabolic bariatric surgery. He is now mainly involved in research of minimally invasive liver resection including living donor hepatectomy, and clinical and basic analyses of metabolic bariatric surgery. He also received some international and domestic research prizes and research grants. Learn more about him here.
“Peer review is mandatory to evaluate the novelty, quality, efficacy, feasibility, and profit for both readers and patients,” says Dr. Umemura. In his view, every submitted article has some unique and/or noteworthy descriptions giving reviewers new ideas. Reviewers should notice these descriptions and feedback positively to the authors. On the other hand, reviewers should not deny the authors’ claims without giving it too much thought.
Speaking of the limitations of the existing peer-review system, Dr. Umemura points out that many researchers of high professional standing do peer review without any incentives. The involvement in the peer-review process should be evaluated fairly. This process may accelerate prompt evaluation of the submitted papers and guarantee the quality of articles and journals because publishers and journals can publish the names of highly-evaluated reviewers.
“All the reviewers involved in the peer-review process have their own specialities and scientific interests. All the reviewers are too busy to complete all the work in limited time. Nevertheless, they sincerely evaluate the submitted articles and contribute to progression of their fields,” says Dr. Umemura.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
November, 2024
Vishal G. Shelat

Dr. Vishal G. Shelat is a highly accomplished general and HPB (Hepato-biliary and Pancreatic) surgeon based in Singapore at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. With over 20 years of experience, he holds numerous prestigious qualifications, including an MA in Healthcare Ethics and Law from the University of Manchester and fellowships from the European Board of Surgery and the International Society for Quality in Healthcare. His extensive training spans institutions globally, showcasing his commitment to advanced surgical techniques. His contributions extend to academia, evidenced by his publications, invited lectures, and roles in surgical guidelines. He is a recipient of multiple awards, including the National Research Foundation-Ministry of Health Scholarship, reflecting his dedication to research and innovation in the field of surgery. His expertise encompasses robotic surgery and he actively participates in medical ethics committees and professional organizations. Learn more about him here.
HBSN: What role does peer review play in science?
Dr. Shelat: Peer review is a cornerstone of the scientific process, acting as a crucial filter for quality and validity. It ensures that research published in reputable journals meets a minimum standard of rigor, accuracy, and methodological soundness before it enters the broader scientific discourse. This process helps to identify flaws in methodology, data analysis, or interpretation, reducing the spread of misinformation and improving the overall reliability of scientific literature. Ultimately, it contributes to the advancement of knowledge by ensuring that only robust and well-supported research findings are disseminated.
HBSN: What reviewers have to bear in mind while reviewing papers?
Dr. Shelat: Reviewers should approach their task with objectivity and impartiality, focusing on the merits of the research itself rather than personal biases or relationships with the authors. Reviewers must also maintain confidentiality and provide constructive feedback that helps authors improve their work.
HBSN: Would you like to say a few words to encourage other reviewers who have been devoting themselves to advancing scientific progress behind the scene?
Dr. Shelat: Dear reviewers, your contributions are invaluable. The scientific process depends on your scrutiny and feedback, which ensures the reliability of research. Although your significant time commitment often goes unnoticed and compensation remains a persistent issue, your efforts uphold the integrity of science. It’s unacceptable that the responsibility for maintaining the quality of scientific content falls heavily on unpaid volunteers. We must advocate for fairer compensation and reimbursement policies, recognizing the substantial expertise and time necessary in peer-review processes. I thank all reviewers for their dedication as their efforts are essential to the progress of science and are not always acknowledged. I thank AME publishing group for their kind recognition.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
Eric C. H. Lai

Dr. Eric C. H. Lai is a general surgeon in Hong Kong SAR, China. His clinical research has focused on minimally invasive therapy for Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary diseases and robotic surgery. He was one of the pioneers in the use of robotic surgical system in general surgery. He has published around 170 publications and more than 30 book chapters. He has given over 150 lectures around the world. He also has actively organized various surgical conference, seminars, workshops and training courses for nurses and surgeons. He currently serves as editorial board members of several peer-reviewed journals, and currently serves as Scientific Committee Chairman of Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (APHPBA), President of Hong Kong Society of Robotic Surgery, and Hong Kong Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery.
“A healthy peer-review system upholds the validity, quality and standard of individual manuscripts and the journals that publish them,” says Dr. Lai, who believes the primary aim of peer review is to guide the decision regarding the acceptance for publication and whether the manuscript needs improvement prior to publication. Transparent and timely handling review process of manuscript by editors are important. The review process should be fair and has no bias.
Dr. Lai reckons that selection of independent reviewers with expertise in the related field and without conflict of interest are essential. Reviewer who has recent or regular co-authorship with any of the manuscript authors, and who is from affiliation with the same institute as the authors, should not be selected. Double-blind peer review is a good method to avoid bias during the review process, although this will lengthen the processing time. Peer review should be accurate, comprehensive, honest and succinct, and comment on the importance, originality, impact, strength and disadvantages of the study. It is also important to give constructive comments to the authors.
According to Dr. Lai, data sharing is one of the cornerstones of modern scientific writing that enables large-scale analyses and reproducibility. Data sharing could potentially avoid redundant researches and lead to an optimization of time and costs of research. However, there are some rules needed to be concerned and followed, e.g., data security, patient privacy, intellectual property rights, data ownership, data management, and agreed terms of data usage.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)
December, 2024
Takumi Kawaguchi

Takumi Kawaguchi, MD, PhD, is Professor and Chairman at Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine. His research area is steatotic liver disease.
Dr. Kawaguchi thinks that peer review ensures the quality and credibility of scientific research by having experts evaluate the work before publication. It helps identify errors and improve the research, maintaining the integrity of scientific literature.
According to Dr. Kawaguchi, a healthy peer-review system is transparent, fair, and efficient. It involves clear guidelines, impartial reviews, timely feedback, and recognition for reviewers' contributions.
“I schedule specific times for peer review, often during weekends. I try to get new information during the peer-review process and try to enjoy it,” says Dr. Kawaguchi.
(by Lareina Lim, Brad Li)