Laparoscopic versus open surgery in treating patients with gallbladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Original Article

Laparoscopic versus open surgery in treating patients with gallbladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Duo Li1,2# ORCID logo, Li Xu2# ORCID logo, Xiangling Deng3,4, Yongliang Sun2, Zihuan Zhang1,2 ORCID logo, Tianxiao Wang2,5 ORCID logo, Ruili Wei6 ORCID logo, Yingjixing Luo3 ORCID logo, Wenquan Niu7, Zhiying Yang1,2

1Graduate School, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China; 2Department of General Surgery, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China; 3Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China; 4Department of Pediatrics, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China; 5Graduate School, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China; 6Graduate School, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; 7Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing, China

Contributions: (I) Conception and design: Z Yang, W Niu, D Li, L Xu; (II) Administrative support: Z Yang, W Niu, Y Sun; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: D Li, L Xu, Z Zhang, T Wang, X Deng, R Wei, Y Luo; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: D Li, L Xu, Z Zhang, T Wang, X Deng, R Wei, Y Luo; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: D Li, L Xu, Z Zhang, T Wang, X Deng, R Wei, Y Luo; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

#These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered as co-first authors.

Correspondence to: Zhiying Yang, MD. Graduate School, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 1# Shuai-Fu-Yuan, Wang-Fu-Jing, Beijing 100730, China; Department of General Surgery, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, No. 22 East Yinghuayuan Street, Hepingli, Beijing 100029, China. Email:; Wenquan Niu, PhD. Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, Capital Institute of Pediatrics, No. 2 Yaobao Rd., Chaowai, Beijing 100020, China. Email:

Background: Concerns over the security of laparoscopic radical operation for gallbladder cancer (GBC) persist. This systematic review and meta-analysis attempted to compare the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic surgery (LS) versus open surgery (OS) in the treatment of GBC.

Methods: The PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science were searched from inception to July 18, 2022. Literature search, quality assessment, and data extraction were completed independently and in duplicate. Effect-size estimates expressed as weighted mean difference (WMD) or odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were derived under the random-effects model.

Results: A total of 27 independent studies including 2,868 participants were meta-analyzed. Significance was noted for intraoperative blood loss (WMD: −117.194, 95% CI: −170.188 to 64.201, P<0.001), harvested lymph nodes (WMD: −1.023, 95% CI: −1.776 to −0.269, P=0.008), postoperative hospital stay (WMD: −3.555, 95% CI: −4.509 to −2.601, P<0.001), postoperative morbidity (OR: 0.596, 95% CI: 0.407 to 0.871, P=0.008), overall survival rate at 2-year (OR: 1.524, 95% CI: 1.143 to 2.031, P=0.004), T2 survival at 1-year (OR: 1.799, 95% CI: 1.777 to 2.749, P<0.01) and 2-year (OR: 2.026, 95% CI: 1.392 to 2.949, P<0.001), as well as T3 survival at 1-year (OR: 2.669, 95% CI: 1.564 to 4.555, P<0.001) and 2-year (OR: 2.300, 95% CI: 1.308 to 4.046, P=0.004). Subgroup analyses revealed that ethnicity, incidental GBC, sample size, and follow-up period were possible sources of heterogeneity. There was a low probability of publication bias for all outcomes except postoperative morbidity.

Conclusions: Our findings indicated that LS statistically had better 2-year survival rates, less intraoperative bleeding, shorter hospitalization times, and lower rates of complications than OS. However, the superiority and even the safety of LS still remain an open question due to the impact of incidental GBC, unaccounted heterogeneity, publication bias, lymph node dissection, and port-site metastasis.

Keywords: Systematic review and meta-analysis; gallbladder cancer (GBC); laparoscopic surgery (LS); open surgery; survival

Submitted Dec 04, 2022. Accepted for publication Apr 27, 2023. Published online Aug 07, 2023.

doi: 10.21037/hbsn-22-597

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Key findings

• The key finding of this systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that laparoscopic surgery (LS) had better 2-year survival rates, less intraoperative bleeding, shorter hospitalization times, and lower rates of complications than open surgery (OS) from statistical aspects. However, the superiority and safety of LS still remain uncertain due to the impact of incidental gallbladder cancer, unaccounted heterogeneity, publication bias, lymph node dissection, and port-site metastasis.

What is known and what is new?

• Some, but not all, studies have reported that LS had advantages over OS in terms of survival, intraoperative, and postoperative outcomes for gallbladder cancer.

• This is thus far the largest systematic review and meta-analysis that has comprehensively compared the efficacy and safety of LS versus OS in the management of gallbladder cancer.

What is the implication, and what should change now?

• Despite LS had better 2-year survival rates, less intraoperative bleeding, shorter hospitalization times, and lower rates of complications than OS, the superiority and even the safety of LS still remain an open question, and we agree that further validations are essential before convincing clinical conclusions can be reached at this point.


Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is rare, as it accounts for 1.2% of all cancer cases and 1.7% of all cancer deaths (1). The majority of GBC patients are diagnosed at advanced stages, and the prognosis is unsatisfactory, with a 5-year survival rate less than 20% worldwide (2). Factors that benefit the prognosis of GBC patients include early diagnosis and proper treatment.

With the advancement of surgical techniques and instruments, minimally invasive surgeries such as laparoscopic surgery (LS) to treat gastrointestinal malignancies have gained widespread popularity (3-5), and can greatly reduce morbidity by reducing blood loss and shortening length of hospital stay (6-8). However, the security of LS in the management of GBC has aroused special concerns. Some clinical studies have compared the safety and efficacy of LS with open surgery (OS), yet no consensus was reached thus far. For example, a meta-analysis of 18 studies conducted by Lv et al. (9) supported the superiority of LS in postoperative rehabilitation. Similarly, another meta-analysis of 14 studies by Nakanishi et al. (10) showed a trend favoring LS as a possible alternative treatment option vis-à-vis OS in the management of GBC, and importantly they found that survival outcomes were improved in patients at T2 and T3 stages who received LS, differing from the nonsignificant observations by Lv et al. (9). Therefore, whether LS can be recommended as a routine surgical option for GBC still remains an open question, calling for further evaluation in a comprehensive manner.

To yield more information and provide evidence basis for future investigations, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to comprehensively compare the safety and efficacy of LS versus OS in the management of GBC patients. The research has been reported in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) reporting checklist (available at and AMSTAR (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews) guidelines (available at (11).


Search strategy

The PubMed, EMBASE (Excerpt Medica Database), and Web of Science were searched from inception until July 18, 2022. Search terms are shown in the supplementary materials (Appendix 1). Two authors (D.L. and L.X.) independently completed literature search, and all retrieved articles were combined with manual removal of duplicates.

Eligibility criteria

Studies eligible for inclusion in this systematic review and meta-analysis should simultaneously fulfill the following criteria: (I) comparative studies evaluating LS vis-à-vis OS in the treatment of GBC; (II) studies involving human beings and written in the English language; (III) outcomes focusing on survival or intraoperative or postoperative outcomes.

Studies were excluded for the following reasons: (I) non-comparative studies such as abstracts, letters, reviews, case reports, and laboratory studies; (II) studies involving robotic surgeries.

Study identification

Initially, titles and abstracts were reviewed for selection, and in the case of uncertainty full texts and supplementary files (Appendix 1) if available were reviewed. The identification process was performed by two authors (D.L. and L.X.) independently, and disagreement was resolved by discussion or consulting with a third author (Z.Y.).

Data extraction and quality assessment

Data were extracted from each eligible study independently by two authors (D.L. and L.X.) using a standardized data form, and discrepancies were adjudicated by a third author (Z.Y.). Extracted data included first author’s name, year of publication, country where study was conducted, ethnicity, study design, surgery procedure type, sample number of incidental GBC diagnoses, sources of patients, sample size in LS and OS, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 5-year disease-free rates, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates for each tumor stage, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, transfusion rate, number of harvested lymph nodes (LNs), R0 resection rate, days of postoperative hospital stay, postoperative morbidity rate, recurrence rate, and port-site metastasis rate. The 1-, 2-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates for each tumor stage were extracted and calculated from either reported literature values or raw data. When survival rates could not be directly obtained from the context, the Kaplan-Meier (KM) curves were digitized using the Engauge Digitizer software (version 4.1) and literately computed to generate individual patient data and survival rates.

The quality of each study was independently evaluated by two authors (D.L. and L.X.) using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Quality assessment scores are shown in Table S1.

Statistical analyses

The STATA software version 14.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) was used for this systematic review and meta-analysis.

Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated to assess discrete outcomes. Weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% CI were calculated to assess continuous outcomes.

The inconsistency index (I2) was employed to quantify the magnitude of statistical heterogeneity, and it represents the percentage of observed variability between studies that is due to heterogeneity instead of chance. It is widely accepted that heterogeneity is deemed statistical significance if the I2 exceeds 50%, and higher I2 denotes stronger evidence of heterogeneity (12). In this systematic review and meta-analysis, effect-size estimates were derived under the random-effects model because of the assumption of clinical and methodological heterogeneity across studies, which can often lead to statistical heterogeneity. What’s more, in case of no statistical heterogeneity, fixed-effects and random-effects models yield nearly identical estimates, and in the presence of statistical heterogeneity, random-effects model is preferred (13). Clinical and methodological heterogeneity across studies was assessed by means of subgroup analyses.

Cumulative analyses were conducted to assess the impact of the first publication on subsequent publications and the evolution of the accumulating estimates over time. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the impact of any individual publications on overall effect-size estimates by omitting one study at a time.

Publication bias refers to the reduced likelihood of studies’ results being published when they are near the null, lacking of statistical significance, or otherwise of little interest (14). To appraise the presence of publication bias, Begg’s funnel plots were displayed for visual inspection of symmetry. In addition, Begg’s tests and Egger’s tests were used to statistically assess funnel asymmetry and quantify the probability of publication bias, with significance set at a level of 10%. In addition, the Duval and Tweedie nonparametric “trim and fill” method was used to take theoretically missing studies into consideration and generate theoretically “unbiased” effect-size estimates.


Qualified studies

Initially, a total of 7,972 potentially eligible articles published in the English language were retrieved after scanning predefined public databases, and of them, 27 independent studies involving 2,868 participants were synthesized in this systematic review and meta-analysis. The selection process annexed with concrete reasons for article exclusion is shown in Figure S1.

Study characteristics

All qualified studies were retrospective in design. Of 27 studies analyzed, 4 studies enrolled patients from multicenters (15-18), and 23 studies are single center studies (7,19-40). Twenty-two studies reported overall survival, 10 T1-staged survival, 12 T2-staged survival, 7 T3-staged survival, and 9 disease-free survival. Intraoperative and postoperative data were extracted, including operative time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative hospital stay, postoperative morbidity, R0 resection rate, transfusion rate, number of harvested LNs, overall recurrence, and port-site metastasis.

Baseline characteristics

Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of qualified studies in this systematic review and meta-analysis. All studies were published from the year 2000 to 2022. The total sample size ranged from 16 to 834. Of 2,868 patients, 1,442 and 1,426 patients underwent LS and OS, respectively.

Table 1

The baseline characteristics of qualified studies in this meta-analysis

First author Year Country Design Procedure type Multi-centre Patients (n) Age (years),
mean ± SD or mean/median (range)
Follow-up (months),
mean ± SD or mean/median (range)
Male (n/n) IGBC
TisT1T2 (n/n) N1N2 (n)
Regmi 2021 China RCS EC No 20 30 59.3±10.3 58.4±9.7 21.3 (12.0–29.0) 20.4 (12.3–29.5) 7/20 11/30 50/50 20/20 30/30 NR NR
Nag 2021 India RCS EC No 30 38 49.6±12.8 49.0±10.1 24.0 36.0 3/30 15/38 17/68 20/30 23/38 10 13
Maharjan 2021 Nepal RCS EC No 10 10 51.0±9.4 49.6±8.4 12.0 (2.0–12.0) 4/10 3/10 16/20 10/10 10/10 1 1
Lee 2022 Korea RCS EC No 60 135 62.2±13.6 61.6±14.6 NR NR 98/195 57/195 60/60 135/135 10 32
Kim 2021 Korea RCS EC No 17 17 72.0 (59.0–79.0) 68.0 (61.0–77.0) 16.4±5.7 20.9±10.4 4/17 4/17 NR 15/17 16/17 3 6
D'Silva 2022 Korea RCS EC No 23 33 68.6±9.4 63.4±11.2 21.5 (9.0–80.0) 11/23 14/33 17/56 16/23 25/33 5 8
Cao 2021 China RCS EC No 53 61 61.0 (48.0–77.0) 64.0 (39.0–79.0) NR NR 18/53 14/61 NR 53/53 61/61 NR NR
Wang 2020 China RCS EC No 45 61 62.6 (45.0–76.0) 65.2 (51.0–82.0) 38.0 (3.0–84.0) 33.0 (6.0–72.0) 29/45 37/61 106/106 45/45 59/61 NR NR
Vega 2019 USA RCS EC Yes 65 190 64.0 (32.0–83.0) 60.0 (32.0–81.0) 70.8 (53.6–87.3) 111.8 (57.5–153.3) 11/65 49/190 255/255 57/65 151/190 14 61
Navarro 2020 Korea RCS SC & EC No 43 43 66.7±10.3 65.4±7.6 32.0 (2.0–125.0) 25/43 28/43 17/86 43/43 43/43 NR NR
Dou 2020 China RCS EC No 32 31 NR NR NR NR 7/32 7/31 NR 16/32 9/31 NR NR
Jang 2019 Korea RCS SC & EC No 55 44 70.1±8.1 65.5±10.5 35.2 (3.0–139.0) 38.6 (4.0–160.0) 19/55 23/44 NR 55/55 44/44 10 20
Feng 2019 China RCS SC & EC No 41 61 64.0±14.0 66.0±10.0 12.0 (2.0–93.0) 24/41 39/61 NR 33/41 45/61 7 26
Losada 2018 Chile RCS SC No 16 12 55.0±13.0 6.0±12.0 30.0±17.0 4/28 NR 16/16 12/12 NR NR
Jang 2016 Korea RCS SC & EC Yes 94 103 63.8±10.9 63.1±10.4 57.9±44.9 72.4±44.5 31/94 54/103 NR 94/94 103/103 0 4
Zhang 2015 China RCS SC & EC No 20 8 65.7 (37.0–81.0) 63.5 (43.0–88.0) 60.0 (6.0–129.0) 4/20 6/8 28/28 14/20 7/8 NR NR
Itano 2015 Japan RCS EC Yes 16 14 68.1±19.9 71.5±13.2 37.0 48.0 9/16 5/14 NR 16/16 14/14 NR NR
Ha 2015 Korea RCS SC & EC No 53 150 NR 62.3±9.6 59.2±44.5 20/53 72/150 NR 53/53 150/150 5 31
Agarwal 2015 India RCS SC & EC No 24 46 44.0 (21.0–61.0) 49.0 (23.0–70.0) 18.0 (6.0–34.0) 7/24 12/46 4/70 NR NR NR NR
Cavallaro 2014 Italy RCS SC & EC No 12 18 67.3±7.6 70.8±9.3 NR NR 6/12 8/18 16/30 10/12 10/18 1 10
Hu 2013 China RCS SC & EC No 10 28 61.2 (37.0–87.0) NR NR 7/38 0/38 26/38 NR NR
Goetze 2013 Germany RCS SC & EC Yes 634 200 NR NR NR NR NR NR 834/834 472/634 120/200 NR NR
Chan 2006 China RCS SC & EC No 17 23 63.7±3.1 52.6±3.5 59.7±6.9 7/17 7/23 NR 17/17 23/23 NR NR
Cucinotta 2005 Italy RCS SC & EC No 8 8 63.0±9.0 63.0±9.6 21.1 (6.0–51.0) 2/8 1/8 16/16 8/8 8/8 NR NR
de Aretxabala 2004 Chile RCS NR No 24 40 56.8±10.3 NR NR NR NR NR NR 18/24 28/40 NR NR
Yoshida 2000 Japan RCS SC & EC No 11 11 70.8±11.0 67.5±9.2 NR NR 3/11 2/11 NR 9/11 NR NR
Sarli 2000 Italy RCS NR No 9 11 62.3±12.7 65.3±10.9 NR NR 3/9 2/11 4/20 11/20 NR NR

L, laparoscopic; O, open; SD, standard deviation; IGBC, incidental gallbladder cancer; RCS, retrospective comparative study; EC, extended cholecystectomy; NR, not reported; SC, simple cholecystectomy.

Survival outcomes

As for disease-free survival, no significant difference existed at 1-year (OR: 1.310), 2-year (OR: 1.266), 3-year (OR: 1.377), and 5-year (OR: 1.393) (all P>0.01) between patients undergoing LS and OS.

Regarding overall survival, a higher survival rate was noted in patients undergoing LS than with OS at 2-year (OR: 1.524, P<0.01). Contrastingly, 1-year (OR: 1.193), 3-year (OR: 1.352), and 5-year (OR: 1.284) (all P>0.01) survival rates were similar between patients undergoing LS and OS.

At T1 tumor stage, pooled survival rate showed no statistical significance at 1-year (OR: 0.783), 2-year (OR: 0.785), 3-year (OR: 0.747), and 5-year (OR: 0.689) (all P>0.01). At T2 tumor stage, pooled survival rate was higher in patients undergoing LS than with OS in 1-year (OR: 1.799), and 2-year (OR: 2.026) (both P<0.01). By contrast, 3-year (OR: 1.013), and 5-year (OR: 1.070) (both P>0.01) survival rates were comparable between patients undergoing LS and OS at T2 tumor stage.

Likewise, at T3 tumor stage, 1-year (OR: 2.669) and 2-year (OR: 2.300) (both P<0.001) survival rates were higher in patients undergoing LS than OS. However, 3-year (OR: 2.116) and 5-year (OR: 2.517) (both P>0.01) survival rates were similar between the two groups (Table 2). Forest plots of survival outcomes are shown in online figure (Fig. S2; available at

Table 2

Meta-analyses of survival outcomes, intraoperative outcomes, and postoperative outcomes and publication bias

Outcome Studies, n OR/WMD 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) Begg’s test Egger’s test
P P (continuity corrected) P
   1-year 9 1.310 0.615 to 2.786 0.484 53.4 (0.028) 0.211 0.251 0.416
   2-year 9 1.266 0.693 to 2.316 0.443 53.2 (0.029) 0.835 0.917 0.656
   3-year 9 1.377 0.847 to 2.238 0.120 37.4 (0.120) 0.677 0.754 0.469
   5-year 9 1.393 0.958 to 2.026 0.082 8.3 (0.367) 0.404 0.466 0.361
   1-year 22 1.193 0.775 to 1.837 0.423 41.1 (0.024) 0.632 0.652 0.383
   2-year 22 1.524 1.143 to 2.031 0.004 21.3 (0.182) 0.933 0.955 0.419
   3-year 22 1.352 0.973 to 1.877 0.072 43.7 (0.016) 0.672 0.693 0.893
   5-year 22 1.284 0.908 to 1.816 0.157 50.1 (0.005) 0.432 0.450 0.690
T1 survival
   1-year 10 0.783 0.370 to 1.657 0.522 0.0 (1.000) 0.106 0.127 0.695
   2-year 10 0.785 0.439 to 1.405 0.415 0.0 (0.977) 0.151 0.178 0.265
   3-year 10 0.747 0.436 to 1.278 0.286 0.0 (0.833) 0.472 0.530 0.964
   5-year 10 0.689 0.408 to 1.163 0.163 0.0 (0.706) 0.281 0.323 0.526
T2 survival
   1-year 12 1.799 1.177 to 2.749 0.007 0.0 (0.967) 0.273 0.304 0.035
   2-year 12 2.026 1.392 to 2.949 <0.001 0.0 (0.520) 0.891 0.945 0.212
   3-year 12 1.013 0.589 to 1.740 0.963 39.4 (0.078) 1.000 1.000 0.402
   5-year 12 1.070 0.766 to 1.494 0.692 0.0 (0.505) 0.891 0.945 0.582
T3 survival
   1-year 7 2.669 1.564 to 4.555 <0.001 0.0 (0.892) 0.652 0.764 0.877
   2-year 7 2.300 1.308 to 4.046 0.004 0.0 (0.701) 0.293 0.368 0.478
   3-year 7 2.116 0.804 to 5.571 0.129 31.5 (0.187) 0.881 1.000 0.797
   5-year 7 2.517 0.859 to 7.373 0.092 32.2 (0.182) 0.453 0.548 0.413
Transfusion rate 5 1.390 0.364 to 5.305 0.630 65.7 (0.020) 0.624 0.806 0.569
R0 resection rate 7 1.862 1.153 to 3.009 0.011 0.0 (0.536) 0.881 1.000 0.444
Postoperative morbidity 15 0.596 0.407 to 0.871 0.008 20.1 (0.230) 0.067 0.075 0.026
Recurrence rate 20 1.042 0.599 to 1.814 0.883 78.8 (<0.001) 0.948 0.974 0.710
Port-site metastasis rate 16 1.597 0.937 to 2.721 0.085 0.0 (0.993) 0.019 0.022 0.800
Operation time 16 5.160 −21.897 to 32.217 0.709 96.3 (<0.001) 0.589 0.620 0.558
Intraoperative blood loss 15 −117.194 −170.188 to −64.201 <0.001 91.2 (<0.001) 0.805 0.843 0.858
The number of harvested LNs 15 −1.023 −1.776 to −0.269 0.008 73.6 (<0.001) 0.729 0.767 0.565
Postoperative hospital stay 16 −3.555 −4.509 to −2.601 <0.001 87.0 (<0.001) 0.653 0.685 0.556

OR, odds ratio; WMD, weighted mean difference; CI, confidence interval; I2, inconsistency index; DFS, disease-free survival; OS, overall survival; LN, lymph node.

Intraoperative outcomes

Comparisons of intraoperative outcomes between patients undergoing LS and OS are shown in Table 2 and forest plots are shown in online figure (Fig. S2; available at

There were no significant differences between patients undergoing LS and OS in operation time (WMD: 5.160), R0 resection rate (OR: 1.862), and transfusion rate (OR: 1.390) (all P>0.01). Patients undergoing LS had less intraoperative lower blood loss (WMD: −117.194) and a smaller number of harvested LNs (WMD: −1.023) than those undergoing OS (both P<0.01).

Postoperative outcomes

Comparisons of postoperative outcomes between patients undergoing LS and OS are presented in Table 2 and forest plots are shown in online figure (Fig. S2; available at

Patients undergoing LS had shorter postoperative hospital stay (WMD: −3.555) and lower postoperative morbidity (OR: 0.596) than those undergoing OS (both P<0.01). No significance was observed between patients undergoing LS and OS in recurrence (OR: 1.042) and port-site metastasis (PSM) (OR: 1.597) (both P>0.01).

Subgroup analyses

Considering significant heterogeneity in overall comparisons, there is a need to explore possible causes. Subgroup analyses were conducted according to ethnicity, proportion of incidental GBC, proportion of Tis & T1 & T2, sample size, publication year, and follow-up period to compare differences in survival, intraoperative, and postoperative outcomes between patients undergoing LS and OS (Tables 3-6). The corresponding forest plots are shown in online figure (Fig. S3; Considering the limited number of studies in some subgroups, analyses were conducted only on items involving 10 or more independent studies.

Table 3

Subgroup analyses comparing laparoscopic surgery with open surgery in terms of T2 survival at 1-, 2-, 3- and 5-year for the management of gallbladder cancer

Subgroups Studies, n T2 1-year survival T2 2-year survival T2 3-year survival T2 5-year survival
OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P)
By ethnicity
   Asia 7/7/7/7 1.636 0.665 to 4.027 0.284 0.0 (0.933) 1.820 0.963 to 3.442 0.065 0.0 (0.574) 0.845 0.422 to 1.690 0.633 36.8 (0.148) 0.827 0.483 to 1.417 0.490 20.8 (0.271)
   America 1/1/1/1 0.717 0.104 to 4.933 0.736 0.711 0.176 to 2.865 0.632 0.545 0.117 to 1.763 0.254 1.169 0.306 to 4.462 0.819
   Europe 4/4/4/4 1.968 1.198 to 3.232 0.007 0.0 (0.752) 2.462 1.504 to 4.032 0.001 0.0 (0.476) 2.064 1.237 to 3.446 0.006 0.0 (0.970) 1.473 0.867 to 2.501 0.152 0.0 (0.979)
By proportion of IGBC
   All 3/3/3/3 2.101 1.272 to 3.468 0.004 0.0 (0.911) 2.663 1.614 to 4.394 0.001 0.0 (0.834) 2.077 1.233 to 3.499 0.006 0.0 (0.934) 1.429 0.833 to 2.452 0.195 0.0 (0.954)
   Mix 4/4/4/4 0.931 0.227 to 3.825 0.921 0.0 (0.966) 1.195 0.433 to 3.300 0.731 0.0 (0.679) 0.855 0.253 to 2.897 0.802 38.1 (0.183) 1.183 0.358 to 3.905 0.783 40.7 (0.168)
   NA 5/5/5/5 1.381 0.529 to 3.608 0.509 0.0 (0.705) 1.561 0.672 to 3.627 0.300 27.2 (0.241) 0.813 0.403 to 1.640 0.564 28.7 (0.230) 0.876 0.532 to 1.443 0.604 0.0 (0.499)
By proportion of Tis & T1 & T2
   All 5/5/5/5 1.862 0.674 to 5.147 0.231 0.0 (0.941) 1.774 0.858 to 3.666 0.122 8.9 (0.356) 0.796 0.334 to 1.901 0.608 52.7 (0.076) 0.960 0.514 to 1.794 0.898 28.4 (0.232)
   Mix 7/7/7/7 1.786 1.120 to 2.847 0.015 0.0 (0.769) 2.150 1.371 to 3.371 0.001 0.0 (0.478) 1.638 1.041 to 2.578 0.033 0.0 (0.481) 1.188 0.757 to 1.865 0.454 0.0 (0.641)
By total sample size
   <60 5/5/5/5 1.027 0.233 to 4.535 0.972 0.0 (0.957) 1.147 0.261 to 5.037 0.856 0.0 (0.763) 1.231 0.324 to 4.675 0.760 0.0 (0.900) 0.886 0.232 to 3.380 0.859 0.0 (0.739)
   ≥60 7/7/7/7 1.891 1.215 to 2.943 0.005 0.0 (0.828) 1.907 1.144 to 3.179 0.013 21.7 (0.264) 0.954 0.479 to 1.900 0.894 64.9 (0.009) 1.035 0.673 to 1.591 0.876 27.1 (0.222)
By published year
   ≥2019 4/4/4/4 1.410 0.401 to 4.961 0.593 0.0 (0.685) 2.410 1.067 to 5.447 0.034 0.0 (0.413) 1.040 0.377 to 2.869 0.940 56.5 (0.075) 0.936 0.412 to 2.125 0.874 50.5 (0.109)
   <2019 8/8/8/8 1.856 1.183 to 2.912 0.007 0.0 (0.931) 1.915 1.245 to 2.946 0.003 0.5 (0.425) 0.992 0.487 to 2.201 0.982 36.6 (0.137) 1.152 0.759 to 1.749 0.506 0.0 (0.790)
By follow-up period
   <36 months 3/3/3/3 0.723 0.122 to 4.285 0.721 0.0 (0.906) 1.210 0.340 to 4.313 0.768 0.0 (0.907) 0.525 0.164 to 1.675 0.276 18.7 (0.292) 0.476 0.211 to 1.071 0.073 0.0 (0.899)
   ≥36 months 3/3/3/3 2.594 0.772 to 8.712 0.123 0.0 (0.885) 2.530 0.666 to 9.618 0.173 48.8 (1.142) 1.033 0.343 to 3.113 0.954 54.4 (0.112) 1.001 0.553 to 1.812 0.997 0.0 (0.590)
   NA 6/6/6/6 1.814 1.136 to 2.897 0.013 0.0 (0.803) 1.938 1.140 to 3.295 0.015 6.1 (0.377) 1.527 0.875 to 2.665 0.136 8.5 (0.362) 1.455 0.914 to 2.317 0.114 0.0 (0.630)

, studies reporting T2 1-year/2-year/3-year/5-year survival. OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; I2, inconsistency index; IGBC, incidental gallbladder cancer; NA, not available.

Table 4

Subgroup analyses comparing laparoscopic surgery with open surgery in terms of overall survival at 1-year, 2-year, 3-year and 5-year for the management of gallbladder cancer

Subgroups Studies, n 1-year overall survival 2-year overall survival 3-year overall survival 5-year overall survival
OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P)
By ethnicity
   Asia 15/15/15/15 1.343 0.719 to 2.511 0.355 40.6 (0.052) 1.524 1.021 to 2.276 0.039 24.7 (0.181) 1.166 0.768 to 1.771 0.471 41.7 (0.046) 1.151 0.702 to 1.887 0.577 58.6 (0.003)
   America 3/3/3/3 0.524 0.263 to 1.044 0.066 0.0 (0.908) 1.071 0.605 to 1.895 0.815 0.0 (0.537) 1.523 0.653 to 3.551 0.330 36.6 (0.206) 1.476 0.881 to 2.474 0.140 0.0 (0.721)
   Europe 4/4/4/4 1.791 1.309 to 2.451 0.001 0.0 (0.625) 2.119 1.544 to 2.907 0.001 0.0 (0.628) 1.929 1.388 to 2.681 0.001 0.0 (0.463) 1.710 1.127 to 2.594 0.012 2.7 (0.379)
By proportion of IGBC
   All 5/5/5/5 1.218 0.664 to 2.232 0.524 34.4 (0.192) 1.920 1.448 to 2.545 0.001 0.0 (0.531) 1.908 1.429 to 2.546 0.001 0.0 (0.843) 1.619 1.193 to 2.196 0.002 2.0 (0.395)
   Mix 6/6/6/6 1.007 0.319 to 3.177 0.990 54.5 (0.052) 1.211 0.669 to 2.194 0.527 0.0 (0.691) 1.292 0.545 to 3.062 0.561 52.2 (0.063) 1.548 0.679 to 3.529 0.298 53.1 (0.059)
   NA 11/11/11/11 1.368 0.658 to 2.843 0.401 42.5 (0.066) 1.539 0.877 to 2.703 0.133 43.9 (0.058) 1.161 0.708 to 1.905 0.554 42.9 (0.064) 1.010 0.576 to 1.773 0.971 53.5 (0.022)
By proportion of Tis & T1 & T2
   All 10/10/10/10 1.011 0.531 to 1.922 0.974 0.0 (0.509) 1.469 0.807 to 2.671 0.208 30.7 (0.163) 1.105 0.590 to 2.068 0.755 51.1 (0.031) 1.214 0.635 to 2.321 0.558 60.2 (0.007)
   Mix 12/1212/12 1.251 0.702 to 2.228 0.447 57.9 (0.006) 1.671 1.245 to 2.243 0.001 10.9 (0.339) 1.734 1.361 to 2.208 0.001 0.0 (0.512) 1.420 0.985 to 2.048 0.060 30.8 (0.153)
By total sample size
   <60 10/10/10/10 1.705 0.905 to 3.214 0.099 0.0 (0.902) 1.516 0.843 to 2.724 0.164 4.7 (0.397) 2.009 1.156 to 3.490 0.013 0.4 (0.434) 2.124 0.878 to 5.137 0.095 58.8 (0.009)
   ≥60 12/12/12/12 0.995 0.528 to 1.875 0.987 64.8 (0.001) 1.508 1.064 to 2.138 0.021 35.8 (0.104) 1.149 0.769 to 1.718 0.498 58.6 (0.005) 1.110 0.803 to 1.535 0.527 39.7 (0.084)
By publication year
   ≥2019 9/9/9/9 1.067 0.444 to 2.566 0.885 66.1 (0.003) 1.480 0.964 to 2.274 0.073 31.0 (0.170) 1.280 0.833 to 1.967 0.259 42.7 (0.083) 1.160 0.819 to 1.644 0.403 19.7 (0.273)
   <2019 13/13/13/13 1.619 1.221 to 2.146 0.001 0.0 (0.697) 1.600 1.073 to 2.384 0.021 13.9 (0.305) 1.490 0.862 to 2.574 0.153 47.7 (0.028) 1.504 0.810 to 2.794 0.196 60.9 (0.002)
By follow-up period
   <36 months 6/6/6/6 0.940 0.286 to 3.096 0.919 55.0 (0.049) 1.218 0.709 to 2.094 0.475 0.0 (0.886) 1.035 0.592 to 1.809 0.904 18.9 (0.291) 1.021 0.615 to 1.693 0.937 14.4 (0.322)
   ≥36 months 6/6/6/6 1.281 0.559 to 1.895 0.926 0.0 (0.442) 1.727 0.861 to 3.464 0.124 37.8 (0.117) 1.536 0.709 to 3.331 0.277 61.3 (0.017) 1.257 0.580 to 2.726 0.562 67.7 (0.005)
   NA 9/9/9/9 1.029 0.675 to 2.431 0.449 50.2 (0.041) 1.614 0.996 to 2.616 0.052 40.6 (0.121) 1.523 0.943 to 2.460 0.085 38.8 (0.110) 1.591 0.900 to 2.813 0.110 46.3 (0.071)

, studies reporting 1-year/2-year/3-year/5-year overall survival. OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; I2, inconsistency index; IGBC, incidental gallbladder cancer; NA, not available.

Table 5

Subgroup analyses comparing laparoscopic surgery with open surgery in terms of intraoperative blood loss, number of harvested LNs, postoperative hospital stay and operation time for the management of gallbladder cancer

Subgroups Studies, n Intraoperative blood loss Number of harvested LNs Postoperative hospital stay Operation time
WMD 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) WMD 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) WMD 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) WMD 95% CI P I2 (%) (P)
By ethnicity
   Asia 14/14/16/15 −130.156 −183.685 to −76.627 0.001 91.3 (0.001) −1.109 −1.916 to 0.303 0.007 74.9 (0.001) −3.659 −4.653 to −2.664 0.001 87.7 (0.001) 5.700 −25.645 to 37.045 0.722 96.6 (0.001)
   America 1/1/1/1 100.001 −38.347 to 238.347 0.157 0 −1.502 to 1.502 1.000 −2.000 −4.057 to 0.057 0.057 0 −10.913 to 10.913 1.000
By proportion of IGBC
   All 3/3/3/3 −79.023 −165.852 to 7.799 0.074 90.3 (0.001) 0.354 −1.042 to 1.749 0.619 39.3 (0.192) −5.033 −6.740 to −3.326 0.001 89.7 (0.001) 10.131 −3.906 to 24.168 0.157 60.6 (0.079)
   Mix 5/6/6/6 −70.839 −103.039 to −38.638 0.001 0.0 (0.629) −2.362 −3.600 to −1.124 0.001 59.1 (0.032) −2.593 −3.990 to −1.196 0.001 73.8 (0.002) 35.539 −17.437 to 88.515 0.189 94.3 (0.001)
   NA 7/6/7/7 −176.395 −279.842 to −72.949 0.001 81.9 (0.004) −0.565 −1.484 to 0.355 0.229 58.3 (0.035) −2.169 −2.859 to −1.479 0.001 0.0 (0.921) −24.338 −67.198 to 18.522 0.266 95.8 (0.001)
By proportion of Tis & T1 & T2
   All 7/7/8/7 −173.636 −278.230 to −69.042 0.001 93.1 (0.001) −1.967 −3.646 to −0.289 0.189 61.8 (0.015) −4.360 −4.507 to −2.334 0.001 76.7 (0.001) 10.763 −64.173 to 85.698 0.778 98.0 (0.001_
   Mix 7/7/7/8 −74.256 −149.724 to 1.212 0.054 90.1 (0.001) −0.496 −1.237 to 0.245 0.022 76.4 (0.001) −3.420 −6.116 to −2.604 0.001 90.5 (0.001) −3.458 −21.880 to 14.963 0.713 86.8 (0.001)
   NA 1/1/1/1 −75.000 −165.469 to 15.469 0.104 −0.400 −3.065 to 2.265 0.769 0 −1.647 to 1.647 1.000 30.000 9.380 to 50.620 0.004
By total sample size
   <60 5/5/5/5 −167.739 −323.302 to −12.176 0.035 84.8 (0.001) −0.482 −2.010 to 1.046 0.536 68.3 (0.013) −3.931 −5.886 to −1.976 0.001 85.0 (0.001) 45.129 −12.412 to 102.671 0.124 90.1 (0.001)
   ≥60 10/10/11/11 −102.782 −163.468 to −42.095 0.001 93.2 (0.001) −1.259 −2.245 to −0.273 0.012 77.1 (0.001) −3.439 −4.633 to −2.245 0.001 88.1 (0.001) −11.310 −42.376 to 19.756 0.476 97.0 (0.001)
By publication year
   ≥2019 12/13/13/13 −83.009 −134.517 to −31.500 0.002 88.8 (0.001) −1.239 −2.018 to −0.460 0.002 74.4 (0.001) −3.224 −3.940 to −2.507 0.001 71.4 (0.001) 13.415 −9.862 to 36.692 0.259 93.9 (0.001)
   <2019 3/2/3/3 −117.194 −521.784 to −90.668 0.005 93.0 (0.001) 1.019 −1.725 to 3.763 0.467 54.2 (0.140) −6.104 −11.944 to −0.265 0.040 96.4 (0.001) −29.452 −152.363 to 93.459 0.639 98.6 (0.001)
By follow-up period
   <36 months 8/8/8/8 −87.037 −123.289 to −50.784 0.001 22.4 (0.251) −1.240 −2.365 to −0.114 0.031 66.1 (0.004) −3.242 −4.689 to −1.794 0.001 83.7 (0.001) 18.102 −21.573 to 57.776 0.371 91.1 (0.001)
   ≥36 months 5/4/5/5 −180.698 −316.050 to −45.346 0.009 94.7 (0.001) 0.514 −1.543 to 2.572 0.624 71.6 (0.014) −4.908 −7.669 to −2.147 0.001 93.4 (0.001) −25.547 −80.035 to 28.941 0.358 98.2 (0.001)
   NA 2/3/3/3 −121.087 −351.679 to 109.506 0.303 96.3 (0.001) −2.018 −3.953 to −0.082 0.041 87.5 (0.001) −3.204 −4.176 to −2.233 0.001 47.4 (0.149) 23.500 −54.737 to 101.737 0.556 98.0 (0.001)

, studies reporting intra-operative blood loss/number of harvested LNs/post-operative hospital stay/operation time. LN, lymph node; WMD, weighted mean difference; CI, confidence interval; I2, inconsistency index; IGBC, incidental gallbladder cancer; NA, not available.

Table 6

Subgroup analyses comparing laparoscopic surgery with open surgery in terms of postoperative morbidity, recurrence rate and port-site metastasis rate for the management of gallbladder cancer

Subgroups Studies, n Postoperative morbidity Recurrence rate Port-site metastasis rate
OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P) OR 95% CI P I2 (%) (P)
By ethnicity
   Asia 14/15/12 0.550 0.362 to 0.837 0.005 19.6 (0.240) 1.156 0.539 to 2.477 0.710 80.3 (0.001) 1.486 0.685 to 3.223 0.316 0.0 (0.966)
   America 1/2/1 0.906 0.441 to 1.861 0.787 0.782 0.103 to 5.936 0.812 87.2 (0.005) 1.739 0.104 to 29.144 0.700
   Europe −/3/3 0.756 0.546 to 1.049 0.094 0.0 (0.974) 1.701 0.795 to 3.640 0.171 0.0 (0.691)
By proportion of IGBC
   All 3/7/6 0.776 0.430 to 1.399 0.399 0.0 (0.712) 0.629 0.390 to 1.015 0.058 37.0 (0.146) 1.830 0.926 to 3.617 0.082 0.0 (0.526)
   Mix 6/6/4 0.426 0.167 to 1.088 0.075 64.3 (0.016) 1.665 0.309 to 8.987 0.553 90.2 (0.001) 1.440 0.348 to 5.955 0.615 0.0 (0.996)
   NA 6/7/6 0.639 0.354 to 1.153 0.137 0.0 (0.891) 1.210 0.671 to 2.179 0.527 23.8 (0.247) 1.209 0.414 to 3.529 0.728 0.0 (0.998)
By proportion of Tis & T1 & T2
   All 7/8/5 0.395 0.186 to 0.839 0.016 30.4 (0.196) 1.190 0.320 to 4.431 0.795 86.2 (0.001) 1.556 0.452 to 5.351 0.483 0.0 (0.886)
   Mix 7/11/10 0.716 0.456 to 1.124 0.147 15.0 (0.316) 0.779 0.504 to 1.202 0.259 47.5 (0.040) 1.594 0.871 to 2.915 0.130 0.0 (0.926)
   NA 1/1/1 0.679 0.162 to 2.835 0.595 1.605 0.158 to 16.314 0.689 1.917 0.115 to 32.008 0.651
By total sample size
   <60 5/9/9 0.464 0.122 to 1.762 0.259 66.7 (0.017) 0.674 0.372 to 1.223 0.195 0.0 (0.595) 1.812 0.724 to 4.539 0.204 0.0 (0.803)
   ≥60 10/11/7 0.583 0.403 to 0.844 0.004 0.0 (0.815) 1.042 0.599 to 1.814 0.519 87.7 (0.001) 1.498 0.779 to 2.881 0.226 0.0 (1.000)
By publication year
   ≥2019 12/10/7 0.609 0.394 to 0.944 0.026 32.6 (0.130) 1.140 0.445 to 2.924 0.785 88.3 (0.001) 1.269 0.468 to 3.442 0.639 0.0 (1.000)
   <2019 3/10/9 0.596 0.407 to 0.871 0.137 0.0 (0.675) 1.042 0.599 to 1.814 0.478 7.7 (0.371) 1.750 0.932 to 3.287 0.082 0.0 (0.814)
   <36 months 8/8/7 0.541 0.261 to 1.124 0.100 50.76 (0.048) 0.954 0.597 to 1.525 0.846 0.0 (0.517) 1.716 0.641 to 4.591 0.282 0.0 (0.990)
   ≥36 months 5/6/5 0.723 0.425 to 1.228 0.230 0.0 (0.647) 0.411 0.254 to 0.666 0.001 0.0 (0.668) 0.882 0.248 to 3.137 0.846 0.0 (0.976)
   NA 2/6/4 0.502 0.230 to 1.095 0.083 0.0 (0.624) 2.829 0.721 to 11.097 0.136 92.3 (0.001) 1.869 0.900 to 3.885 0.094 0.0 (0.466)

, studies reporting postoperative morbidity/recurrence rate/port-site metastasis rate. OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; I2, inconsistency index; IGBC, incidental gallbladder cancer; NA, not available.

By ethnicity, survival outcomes (T2 survival and overall survival) were significantly improved in patients of European origin who underwent LS relative to OS, and contrastingly improvement in intraoperative and postoperative outcomes was seen in patients of Asian origin, except for recurrence rate and PSM rate. By proportion of incidental GBC, there was significant improvement in survival outcomes in studies exclusively involving incidental GBC, as well as in postoperative hospital stay, and in studies involving both incidental and non-incidental GBC, significance was observed for intraoperative blood loss and number of harvested LNs. By total sample size, improvement in survival outcomes was seen in studies with total sample sizes ≥60, as well as in intraoperative and postoperative outcomes, indicating the robustness of our observations.

By publication year, statistical significance was seen for survival outcomes in studies published before 2019, yet the magnitude of effect-sizes was comparable with that of studies published after 2019. For intraoperative and postoperative outcomes, effect-sizes were statistically significant in studies published both before and after 2019. By follow-up period, only significance was seen for intraoperative and postoperative outcomes in studies irrespective of periods, and effect-size magnitude was stronger in studies with follow-up period ≥36 months.

Cumulative analyses

In cumulative analyses, there was no hint of significant impact from the first publication on subsequent publications for survival, intraoperative and postoperative outcomes (Fig. S4; available at

Sensitivity analyses

Sensitive analyses were conducted by removing each individual study to evaluate whether any single study had a significant impact on pooled estimates, and no significance was detected for most outcomes except intraoperative blood loss, postoperative hospital stay, and operation time (Fig. S5; available at

It is worth noting that as for T2 survival outcomes, exclusion of the study by Goetze and colleagues (18) involving merely incidental GBC patients exerted a large impact on pooled estimates, and considering the overlapping CIs this impact was not significant.

Publication bias

The Begg’s tests and Egger’s tests were used to evaluate potential publication (Table 2). Postoperative morbidity (Egger’s test P=0.035) and survival of T2 stage at 1-year (Egger’s test P=0.026) had a significantly high probability of publication bias. The effect-size estimates for survival of T2 stage at 1st year still remained statistically significant (P<0.001) after taking 5 theoretically missing studies into consideration. By contrast, the effect-size estimates for postoperative morbidity were nonsignificant (P=0.061) after additionally adding 3 theoretically missing studies (Fig. S6; available at


The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to comprehensively compare the safety and efficacy of LS versus OS in the treatment of GBC patients. Our major findings indicated that LS was generally superior to OS for GBC in terms of overall 2-year survival, 1- and 2-year survival at T2 and T3 stages. Moreover, LS was found to be associated with less intraoperative blood loss, less postoperative morbidity, higher R0 resection rate, and shorter postoperative hospital stay than OS. To the best of our knowledge, this is thus far the largest systematic review and meta-analysis that has comprehensively compared LS with OS from safety and efficacy aspects in treating GBC in the medical literature.

In routine clinical practice, LS is not generally accepted as a priority option for GBC. With the development of laparoscopic technique, a growing number of studies have adopted LS in the management of GBC. Of all patients diagnosed with GBC, about 60–80% were incidental (41), and patients with incidental GBC had a good prognosis relative to non-incidental GBC cases (42-44). It is widely accepted that for incidental GBC, radical surgery involving resection of gallbladder liver beds and regional lymph nodes was the most popular choice to achieve R0 margins and proper staging (45). Vega et al. reported that prior nononcologic surgery for incidental GBC can affect survival and lead to a worse prognosis (46), which was confirmed in this study after restricting analysis to patients with incidental GBC, showing that LS was associated with better overall survival and T2-stage survival than OS. However, we failed to support the superiority of LS over OS for early T-stage GBC, which led us to speculate that this superiority was not entirely attributable to early T-stage of incidental GBC. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude the possibility that selection of LS for patients with incidental GBC in good general conditions accounts for the advantages of LS in our overall analyses, and we agree that further validations in large-scale, well-designed comparative studies are required.

There is evidence that N status is one of the strongest prognostic determinants in patients undergoing operations for GBC (47), and regional lymphadenectomy can improve survival outcomes (48). As recommended by Dou et al. (49), relatively-early GBC cases (Tis-T1a or T1b-T2) should be selected in the beginning to accumulate operational experience and standardize surgical process, and gradually transit to advanced stage (T3) GBC cases. In other words, surgeons carrying out LS for GBC should have extensive experience in laparoscopic liver resection, bilioenterostomy, and lymph node dissection, which form an important basis for the safe and smooth implementation of LS. In our overall analyses, LS was found to be associated with less harvested LNs, and in the subgroup involving GBC patients at Tis & T1 & T2, LS had significantly fewer harvested LNs than OS, consistent with the findings by Ong et al. in a Swiss nationwide population-based analysis (50). The reasons behind the small number of harvested LNs might be due to lack of awareness that LN removal is a crucial component of oncologic resections, technical inability to perform lymphadenectomy, and learning curve of surgeons. For instance, it is suggested that learning curve of pure LS was about seven cases if surgeons had sufficient experience in laparoscopic hepatectomy (22). Also, minimally invasive technology can perform equally well in terms of the number of harvesting nodes (51,52). Taking this information together, it can be speculated that these findings might, at least in part, be influenced by the beginning of the learning curve. As recommended by expert consensus statement (53), at least 6 LNs should be resected in GBC radical surgery. Considering the fact that 3 of 15 studies reporting harvested LNs had resected less than 6 LNs, we here suggest the implementation of LS at high-volume centers with specialized experience. Therefore, the superiority of LS over OS in better survival and lower LNs observed in this systematic review and meta-analysis might be, at least in part, explained by the preference of LS in GBC patients at earlier stages, with less LN metastasis, and better general conditions.

Tumor recurrence is another important factor impacting postoperative survival of GBC. However, in this systematic review and meta-analysis, we failed to detect any hints of significance in recurrence and PSM rates between patients undergoing LS and OS. Recently, growing concerns have been expressed over PSM, an indicator of poor prognosis (54), when applying LS for the management of GBC. Some experts in this field claimed that PSM rate was comparable between LS and OS pending improved recognition of GBC and implementation of plastic bags to remove resected gallbladder (3). In support of this claim, 11 of 16 eligible studies in this systematic review and meta-analysis reported no occurrence of PSM. Actually in surgical practice, PSM cannot be totally avoided, and it is essential to enhance surgical skills and enrich practical experience of LS to avoid PSM occurrence to the outmost extent.

Finally, several limitations should be addressed for this systematic review and meta-analysis. Firstly, this study is based on retrospective cohorts, and recall bias cannot be fully ruled out. Secondly, because only published studies written in the English were synthesized and the “grey” literature was not covered, publication bias might be possible. As reflected by funnel plots and statistical tests, the possibility of publication bias was high for survival of T2 stage at 1-year and postoperative morbidity, likely due to lack of statistical power from limited numbers or small sizes of studies meta-analyzed. Thirdly, although a wide panel of subgroup analyses were conducted to seek potential sources of between-study heterogeneity, some unaccounted residual confounders such as surgical procedures were not taken into consideration. Fourthly, as a meta-analysis cannot replace studies from high-volume centers involving large sample sizes, we agree that more well-designed studies are required to derive a more precise estimate of clinically important outcomes when comparing LS with OS in the management of GBC patients.


Taken together, our findings indicated that LS statistically had better 2-year survival rates, less intraoperative bleeding, shorter hospitalization times, and lower rates of complications than OS. However, due to the impact of incidental GBC, unaccounted heterogeneity, publication bias, and lack of high-quality randomized controlled trials, the superiority of LS over OS remains a subject of debate. Moreover, uncertainties such as lymph node dissection and port-site metastasis have not been fully understood, and the safety of LS still remains an open question. More recently, laparoscopic radical surgery for GBC has gained increasing popularity at major hepatobiliary centers. We believe that the confusion on different treatment options for GBC will be gradually cleared up with the accruing evidence to outline the pros and cons of each option.


Funding: This work was supported by the National Key Clinical Specialty Construction Project of General Surgery Department (Hepatobiliary Surgery Department) (No. 2021-QTL-004).


Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the PRISMA reporting checklist. Available at

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. This study has been registered in PROSPERO and the unique identifying number or registration ID is CRD42022369697.

Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:


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Cite this article as: Li D, Xu L, Deng X, Sun Y, Zhang Z, Wang T, Wei R, Luo Y, Niu W, Yang Z. Laparoscopic versus open surgery in treating patients with gallbladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr 2024;13(3):444-459. doi: 10.21037/hbsn-22-597

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