The Story Behind the Cover Picture
Original Article
Choline suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma progression by attenuating AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagy via choline transporter SLC5A7 activation
Our study demonstrated that choline inhibited HCC malignant progression by suppressing AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagy via SLC5A7 upregulation. In addition, choline worked synergistically with sorafenib to enhance its antitumor effect, which may provide a new strategy for HCC treatment in the future.
Association of Pringle maneuver with postoperative recurrence and survival following hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter propensity score and competing-risks regression analysis
Using two propensity score methods and competing-risk regression analysis, the effect of Pringle maneuver on long-term prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy was clarified. Not applying the Pringle maneuver during hepatectomy was independently associated with lower cumulative recurrence rate and cancer-specific mortality.
A single center analysis of long-term outcomes and survival related risk factors in liver retransplantation
Pages: 425-443
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Open Access

Liver retransplantation with living donor graft in hands of experienced team with refined technique showed optimal long-term outcome and it is irrelevant of the timing of retransplantation. Long warm ischemia time and intraoperative massive blood transfusion negatively impact patient’s survival.
Laparoscopic versus open surgery in treating patients with gallbladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
This systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that LS had better survival rates, less intraoperative bleeding, shorter hospitalization times, and lower rates of complications than OS from statistical aspects. However, the superiority and safety of LS still remain uncertain due to unaccounted confounding impact.
Impact of preoperative chemotherapy on surgical results in 139 patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Pages: 460-471
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Open Access

Preoperative chemotherapy enables resectability of initially unresectable patients with LAPC without increasing perioperative mortality and morbidity. The combination of preoperative chemotherapy and consecutive surgery improves recurrence-free and overall survival in a real-world data set.
Review Article
Pathologic assessment of hepatocellular carcinoma in the era of immunotherapy: a narrative review
This review summarized the research progress of pathologic assessment related to immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. A precise histological evaluation of specimens underwent immunotherapy and predictive biomarkers of immunotherapy should be highly focused on for the pathologists.
Surgical Technique
3D laparoscopic anatomical hepatectomy guided by 2D real-time indocyanine green fluorescence imaging for hepatocellular carcinoma
We propose a new procedure, 3D laparoscopic anatomical hepatectomy (LAH) with 2D real-time ICG (r-ICG) guidance for HCC treatment. In this procedure, the advantages of two techniques, 3D laparoscopy and 2D r-ICG guidance, were combined so that LAH might be performed with more precision.
French Editorial Commentary from the ACHBPT
Editorial Commentary
Surgical management of metastatic neuroendocrine tumors: beyond the realm of evidence-based medicine
Letter to the Editor
Images in Clinical Medicine