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Original Article
Transcatheter arterial embolization-salvaged ALPPS, a novel ALPPS procedure especially for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and severe fibrosis/cirrhosis
The ALPPS for HCC with fibrosis/cirrhosis is often associated with limited growth of future liver remnant (FLR). The new TAE-Salvaged ALPPS can induce significant FLR increase in patients with HCC and fibrosis/cirrhosis who fail to achieve sufficient FLR hypertrophy after conventional ALPPS stage-1.
The role of intraoperative electron radiotherapy in centrally located hepatocellular carcinomas treated with narrow-margin (<1 cm) hepatectomy: a prospective, phase 2 study
Intraoperative Electron Radiotherapy (IOERT) significantly improved the recurrence free survival rates in patients with centrally located hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent narrow-margin (<1cm) hepatectomy. Furthermore, MVI (+) patients receiving IOERT had improved recurrence free and overall survival outcomes compared to MVI (-) patients.
Functional assessment of liver regeneration after major hepatectomy
The aim of this study was to evaluate the early postoperative changes in remnant liver function, volume and elasticity after major liver resection and its correlation with postoperative outcomes. This information can provide new insights that influence selection of candidates for liver resection, their postoperative monitoring and their management.
Prospective evaluation of 18F-FDG positron emission tomography in the preoperative staging of patients with hepatic colorectal metastases
A prospective, blinded study comparing utility of 18F-FDG-PET to CT and CT portography as was conducted as staging prior to resection of hepatic colorectal metastases. FDG-PET was found to be an important test, affecting treatment decisions in nearly one-third of patients.
Review Article
Cholangiocarcinoma: a review of the literature and future directions in therapy
Cholangiocarcinoma remains one of the challenges among aggressive adenocarcinoma subtypes in the United States. Early detection remains a significant challenge and surgical resection and transplant are available to very few patients. Improvements in palliative treatments have come in the form of new chemotherapeutic regimens as well as targeted therapies.
Alternatives to left lateral sector in paediatric liver transplantation—a systematic review on monosegmental and reduced grafts
Monosegmental, reduced and hyper-reduced liver transplantation offer excellent results to treat neonates and small infants.
French Editorial from the ACHBPT
Letter to the Editor
Images in Clinical Medicine