Clinical Practice Guideline
Chinese guidelines for minimally invasive donor hepatectomy in living donor liver transplantation (2024 edition)
These guidelines, based on the specific conditions in China, provide comprehensive recommendations on key factors such as the safety and advantages of minimally invasive surgery for donor hepatectomy, donor selection criteria, anesthesia strategies, surgical technical details, and learning curves.
Original Article
Liver venous deprivation (LVD) before extended hepatectomy: a French multicentric retrospective cohort
Pages: 937-949
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Open Access
Post Hepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF) remains a challenge for hepatectomy, and Liver Venous Deprivation (LVD) represent an effective option in situations where there is a risk of portal vein embolization (PVE) failure. This study aims to assess LVD feasibility, efficacy, and safety in a large, retrospective, French multicentric cohort.
Comparative analysis of analgesic efficacy and functional recovery in open pancreaticoduodenectomy: a randomized controlled trial of local anesthetic wound infiltration, transversus abdominis plane block, and intramuscular electrical stimulation
Pages: 950-961
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Trial Protocol
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Open Access
Both four-quadrant transversus abdominis plane block and needle electrical twitch obtaining intramuscular stimulation showed greater effectiveness in reducing postoperative pain, requiring fewer analgesics, and enhancing functional recovery, including coughing ability and gait speed, after pancreaticoduodenectomy compared to local wound infiltration.
The rate of muscle wasting in liver transplant recipients on waiting list: post-transplant outcomes and associated serum metabolite patterns
Pages: 962-973
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Open Access
In patients undergoing LT, the rate of progression of sarcopenia is a strong prognostic indicator of post-LT death. Serum metabolite profiles were not characteristically unique to HW patients, and most closely resemble derangements associated with chronic liver disease.
Review Article
Selective internal radiation therapy across Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) stages of hepatocellular carcinoma: literature review
SIRT is a well-recognized endovascular treatment option for patients in intermediate and advanced HCC stage. However, in the recent years it has become a promising, safe and effective treatment even in selected patients at all BCLC stages of HCC with different advantages and clinical implications.
Surgical Technique
A European expert consensus surgical technique description for robotic hepatectomy
Pages: 991-1006
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Open Access
Seven expert robotic liver surgeons in Europe established a consensus on the surgical technique for robotic hepatectomy. A step-by-step description highlighting key considerations for the four main types of hepatectomy is presented. The experts share valuable tips and tricks for executing a successful procedure.